Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Be Thankful

Friday night, around 3am, a tornado hit down and completely destroyed several houses, damaged many more, and left one little boy dead. Tornadoes happen all the time, but this one happened 3 miles away, from where I was sleeping soundly (though I don't know how) in my bed, without a care in the world. Yesterday I drove by the damage, and saw only the front steps of one house remaining. The whole front of another house was completely gone. Many others had pieces of their roof torn off. There was another tornado that touched down about 30 miles away that did just as much damage, and also took someone's life.
It boggles my mind that this all happened 3 miles away. I take this road to go do laundry, my boyfriend takes this road to go to school and home everyday. I can't even imagine what these people went through, or are going through. I feel immensely lucky that the tornado did not last longer, and did not take my house or anyone that I care about. I couldn't imagine sleeping, and all of a sudden everything is gone.
When things like this happen, especially when they're so close to home, it makes you think. Why them? What did they do to deserve that? Why do tornadoes and hurricanes or anythign else deadly have to happen? How did I get so lucky? It's sad that it takes something like this to get people to start thinking in this way, and to get people to feel thankful for what they have. Yesterday our heat didn't work, and I was freezing cold all day. I complained a little, and my hands were like ice, but at least I have a home, and I could cuddle up with my wonderful boyfriend to warm up.
Thanksgiving is coming up (yay!) and it's around this time of year that everyone starts thinking about what it is that they're thankful for. It's great to get together with family and be thankful for everything you have. I think it's even greater when people think about what they're thankful for during other times of the year, not just at Thanksgiving, or when something horrible happens. I try to be thankful year-round because I am very fortunate to have the things I have. Sometimes I get caught up in life, and complain about simple things, even though I should be thankful that I have them (like heat). So basically, be thankful for what you have, and remember to be thankful year-round, because other people may not be as lucky and fortunate as you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A memo to Southern Drivers

1. If the speed limit is 35- it means you can go anywhere from 35-45 it DOES NOT mean you go 25 or 30.
2. If there's a turning lane, USE IT!!
3. If you plan on turning soon, use a blinker!! I cannot read minds and I don't know why you're slamming on your brakes!
4. If you plan on pulling out into oncoming traffic, wait till there is PLENTY of time to pull out so you don't cut people off. If you MUST turn out right then, speed up quickly rather than pull out and go 15mph and make me slam on my brakes.
5. If there's someone trying to pull out, get over if you can.
6. McCain/Palin stickers- I'm sick of them and am SOO glad they're not leading this country.
7. If you're not going fast, don't be in the left lane.
8. If you're going slow and someone is behind you, GET OVER
9. If the light is turning yellow, it means to slow down and go under it. It does NOT mean to slam on your brakes before it even turns red!
10. Don't be dumb while you're driving! Stop slamming on your brakes for no reason, do the speed limit, and use a blinker!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Today is election day. Most people are voting, some are not. As an American, it is your right to vote and I think that we take that for granted. Other countries do not get to vote for their leader. Someone is appointed, and they have to deal with it, for better or worse. But we are lucky enough to have a voice and to vote on who we think will be the best leader for our country. Some people may not vote because they think that one vote doesn't matter. Every vote does matter. The last election was won by only a few hundred votes. This election has been predicted to have teh most votes ever. There are more voters registered for this election than any other, and I hope they use their right and actually do vote.

I'm excited for this election. First, I'm excited to see who wins, and hopefully the right person (Obama) does! Second, I'm excited for it to be over with so I don't have to see any more political commercials. I understand that these people want to make a point, but some of these commercials are just mean. I think that if you're a politician, you should say what you're going to do, and how you're going to be a good leader, not what the other person doesn't do. There's a commercial down here bashing a Democratic Senator saying that she believes in a Godless America. That Senator is now sueing because it is totally false. A lot of these commercials are a bunch of bs and don't sway my vote either way. I'm more interested in what each candidate is telling me he can do, and why they would be good for the job.

I voted a few weeks ago for Obama through an absentee ballot because I think that he can do the most for our country. Yes John McCain was a war hero, and that's great, but he's also really old and the fact taht Sarah Palin would be his V.P. scares me a lot because she's not the brightest bulb on the tree if you know what I mean. Obama wants to tax the rich, and give tax breaks to people who don't make $250,000 a year. I understand that most of the people have worked hard to make their money and don't want to give it up now, but come on! If everyone gets a little more money and only those who are making mroe than enough give a little extra to help (think of it as charity) then I think most people will be more happy and this country may be a little more united (even though 1/2 the country is going to pissed about who wins no matter what).

I'm usually nto that into politics, but this election means something to me. It's the biggest election of my lifetime, and will probably impact me more than others have. For one, I'm graduating college this year, which means that I'll be getting a job while this president is in office. Also, I'm getting older and am thinking about family more and I would like a strong president when I start one of my own. These are two major issues that mean a lot to me, and based on what I've heard from both candidates, Obama will do more fo me. Either way, I'm excited to see who wins and I hope the right person does win, so we can all move on from the President we have now, and we can all stop bitching about who should win and insulting those who disagree!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Work Hard to Play Hard

I'm bored at school right now, and should be working on homework, but have decided to write a blog instead since i haven't written one in a few weeks. I go to school with a lot of great people, but a lot of them are overachievers who get stressed out about the simplest things. I have to admit that sometimes they rub off on me and i get stressed out about the same simple things. Last year I found myself very stressed and it was not fun. This year i decided not to let things get to me as much, and i'm having a great year so far (it could be because this is my last year and i have a bit of senioritis going on too)! I decided not to let simple things stress me out because i know that they'll all get done. i might procrastinate a bit, hence this blog, but everything will get done in time. i'm lucky enough to be going to school, and to have a job, so why get stressed about it?? there are many people who wish they could afford to go to school, or who really need a job, and those who do have these things often take them for granted, and worse, complain about them. I do complain about school and work because sometimes they can be a pain, and i really do hate my manager at work, but at least i'm lucky enough to have these things, and they will benefit me in the end. basically, i think that people who are always stressed out just can't live a very happy life because they're always worried about what's due next, or what they have to do to get 100% on every single thing, and God forbid if they get a 99%, they have to ask the teacher why they didn't get that one extra point. That is why I am not getting stressed about stuff as easily, because I want to work hard and play harder. The people who are always stressed do not play or go on vacation, because that is time away from what they are supposed to be doing. I, on the other hand, have a wonderful boyfriend who likes to play too, and we work hard during the week, but allow ourselves to have a date night every friday, and lounge around the house on sundays, and go to ny to see family, and go to the beach to catch up on our tans and relax, and visit friends in ky (not since last year, but we've been there twice! wup dop!), and go to concerts...i think that all of these things are important because it keeps us sane during a stressful semester. i think that most people should learn to loosen up, and to work hard in order to play hard.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Words of Wisdom

"Love, Love, Love.
You Have to Love,
And if you Don't Get Love Right,
You Have To Move On
And Forgive.
And Then You Have To Remember
That You've Forgiven,
Or Else You Can't Move On,
And If You Don't Move On,
You'll Surely End Up...
- From the Book "I Hope You Dance"-

I really liked this quote in this book, that I've always seen in our bedroom, but never picked up to read, then the other day I did and it had a lot of good stuff in it. I liked this particular quote because I know that most people have been in relationships that have ended badly, mostly because the other person was abusive in some way or another. But if when you get out of that relationship, and you can't move on from them, every relationship you have in the future won't work out.

"Hope Takes Never Ceasing
To Be Amazed...
Your Soul On Your Sleeve...
Your Breath, Waiting To Hear
'I Love You, Too...'
That Tomorrow Could Be Better Than Today...
That You'll Get a Second Chance...
That You'll Make A Difference...
That You'll Matter."
-From the Same Book-

I liked this quote too because I think it's important to hope and dream. Without dreams life would be boring, without hoping, you wouldn't have much to look forward to. I think it's important to always stay positive, and realize that it's not the end of the world (unless it actually is, then you can be negative!), and that life moves on. Having this kind of attitude will make the days go by quicker and happier if you keep dreaming and hoping.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Come and Gone

It's amazing how many people come and go out of our lives. Some make a positive impact, some make a negative one, but they all shape our lives. Some are in our lives for a long time, and some only for a short time. Some are your best friends, some are only acquaintances. Sometimes we're not sure why these people were in our lives till you realize that they made some sort of impact.
I used to have 3 best friends who I could tell anything to. We always had the best time, we were always at each others houses, always talking on the phone, in school. We went everywhere together and did everything together. We all planned to be in each others weddings, live near each other, all those things that girls talk about as they grow up. Today, though none of those girls are really in my life. I talk to them occasionally, and only know what's going on in their lives because of facebook and myspace (as sad as that is!). Sometimes I miss them because I remember what great times we used to have, and I wish that they were still my best friends. But then I realize that we did have great times, 5 years ago, when we were in high school. We're all living in different places now, are into different things, some of us have matured more than others. I realize that these girls were in my life for several years and were my best friends all of those years. I still consider them to be good friends of mine, though some events have made me not want to think of it that way. When I do talk to them, we mostly reminise about old times, and not really about what's going on right now. Who knows where any of us will end up in another 5 years, because I sure didn't think that we'd end up in Alabama, North Carolina, Italy, and Clifton Park 5 years ago. I'm happy that I had these friends when I did, and I'm happy that we had a great time when we did.
It's funny how those girls aren't really in my life anymore, yet girls that I've known since I was 5 are. I usually only see these friends when I go back to NY, and we spend the time reminiscing as well as talking about the present and future. These girls really are true friends, and I'm sure that they'll be in my life for a very long time. I love the friends I have now, and will always remember friends from my past, and who knows who will come into my life in the future or where I'll be. I love the people in my life now, and they have shaped my life in more ways then I probably realize now. We should all be happy for the people who are in our lives, and those who have been in our lives because they all shape who we are today.
So many people have come and gone into and out of my life, and they have all made some kind of impact whether I know it right now or not.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Putting things in Perspective

The other day I had the pleasure of visiting a special ed. classroom of severely disabled students at a local elementary school. I say that this was a pleasure because it really made me realize how lucky most of us are, though we may not realize it. I was placed with this teacher to do my student teaching in the spring. Once I got there, I realized that I would not be able to stay in this classroom because these students don't learn from a lesson plan, like my school is teaching me how to do. Instead, these students are learning how to press a button, how to look at themselves in a mirror, and how to respond when their name is called. One student dropped a crayon, bent down, and picked it up- a skill that took his teacher 3 years to teach him how to do.
I thought about how these children were put into this position; either something their mother did during her pregnancy, or perhaps just bad luck. This revelation kind of threw my karma belief out the window. What did these kids do to deserve this kind of life? They're happy in their own way; like when the teacher took a boy's brace off his feet so he could lay down. He laughed so hard and was so happy to be free of that brace, without it he has no control over his body movement. so he was picked up, and strapped to a cot so he could take a nap without hurting himself or anyone else. These kids' parents will probably never hear them say 'I Love You' or 'Mommy', and that just broke my heart. I couldn't imagine never hearing that from your own child, a person you love unconditionally.
The children in this classroom exist all over the place, and I think it's great that they have a classroom to go to where they can learn some skills, even if it is as simple as pushing a button, and they can be loved all day. It made me realize how lucky I am to be able to do the things I do everyday, without thinking twice about it- like getting out of bed in the morning. Being in this classroom put things in perspective for me, and made me realize not to sweat the small stuff, but be thankful that I have stuff to sweat.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. They can be people you are close to, or people who you admire such as political figures, musicians, actors, etc. I have several heroes in my life. They include my parents, my paternal grandparents, and my boyfriend.
My parents got married when my mom was only 20. They had little money; she worked at a clothing store, and my dad was a manager at U-Haul. When I was born, my dad started a business with his brother. He started by selling pillows door-to-door, and eventually they took out a loan and bought a factory. My mom stuck with my dad as he started this endevour, having faith in his dreams and in their love. I can remember being little and walking to the end of our street to meet my dad as he walked home from work. My house was always a happy house. I have no memories of fighting, except the bickering between my brother and I. Today my dad's business has grown and my mom is a secretary for the town supervisor where they live. They just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, and continue to provide happiness and love for our family. Even after 25 years of marriage, they prefer sitting in front of a fire just the two of them and having a quiet conversation, than sit in front of the t.v. in silence. It always amazes me that 2 people can still have so much to talk about after 25 years, and I can only hope that I will be like that when I've been married 25 years.
My paternal grandparents are my heroes as well. They are the happiest people you will ever meet, and they are the cutest couple I have ever seen. They have been married around 50 years, and will still tease each other and laugh with each other. They know each other so well, and finish each other's sentences and stories. I used to spend my summer vacations at their house, and I remember my grandfather always making things for my brother and I to play with. They didn't have cable or a computer, but I never remember being bored at their house because they would always provide us with some outdoor activity or game to play. I even remember having fun bringing trash to the town dump with them, because they made a game out of throwing the cans in bins. What kid has fun going to the dump with their grandparents?! They provided plenty of love, happiness, and excitement for their four children, as I have learned from the many stories they've shared during various family gatherings.
Lastly, my boyfriend is my hero. He is 25 years old, and has experienced more in his life than most people ever will. He battled with addiction for many years, and is now 41/2 years sober. He got his GED, and today went off to grad school for psychology. He is taking his experiences, and is using them to help others who are in the same situation that he once was in. I have confidence and faith that he can do anything he sets his mind to because he is so passionate about the things he loves. He has such a positive attitude, is so caring and loving, and is always making me laugh. He is my hero because of all the things he has overcome, and all the things he will do in his life. When I met him I had no idea that he had the past he had (until he told me of course) because he seemed like the total opposite of what he used to be. His past has shaped him into who he is today, and I am thankful for that because today he is the sweetest, funniest, most caring person there is, and I am thankful that I'm lucky enough to be in his life.
I'm lucky enough to have these people in my life to look up to, and I hope that everyone has heroes that influence their lives the way these people have influenced mine.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I'm a believer in karma. I believe that if you're a nice person and genuinely care about people other than yourself, good things will come to you and you'll lead a happy life. I also think that if you treat others unkindly and are self-centered, you most likely will (if you're not already) lead an unhappy life and bad things will come your way. But how do we know if karma exists? The answer is that you never really do know because the people you experience in passing who make an impression on you, you most likely will not get to see karma reach them.
For example, a co-worker of mine is an ass, to put it bluntly. He loves to hear himself talk and to put others down. When he talks and tells people what to do, I always think how I can't stand him. Then I start to think about karma, and how he's a 50 year old man that main thing in his life is this job that I, a 22 year old can do. It almost makes me feel sorry for him because this is probably the most he will do in his life. The people who work under him are going places in their lives, and will not remain at this work place forever. I think about karma with this man and how I will never get to see it pan out because I will be long gone from this job by the time it may pan out. However, I still believe in it, although I may not see it happen.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. It's such an elementary phrase, yet it's so important in life. If you're kind to others karma will come your way and others will be kind to you. Sometimes you may not realize it right away, but I believe that karma is real and everyone experiences it in some way or another.