1. If the speed limit is 35- it means you can go anywhere from 35-45 it DOES NOT mean you go 25 or 30.
2. If there's a turning lane, USE IT!!
3. If you plan on turning soon, use a blinker!! I cannot read minds and I don't know why you're slamming on your brakes!
4. If you plan on pulling out into oncoming traffic, wait till there is PLENTY of time to pull out so you don't cut people off. If you MUST turn out right then, speed up quickly rather than pull out and go 15mph and make me slam on my brakes.
5. If there's someone trying to pull out, get over if you can.
6. McCain/Palin stickers- I'm sick of them and am SOO glad they're not leading this country.
7. If you're not going fast, don't be in the left lane.
8. If you're going slow and someone is behind you, GET OVER
9. If the light is turning yellow, it means to slow down and go under it. It does NOT mean to slam on your brakes before it even turns red!
10. Don't be dumb while you're driving! Stop slamming on your brakes for no reason, do the speed limit, and use a blinker!
hehe, jeez bigd, hahaha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...i love it!
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